Welcome to TroubleBound
Your #1 Source for Quality Music Commentary
in this issue (1/2/2002)
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By popular demand (OK, my brother John), we have
added a new feature
We will expound at some length on a landmark recording
from the past. Some of these will be obscure, others will be
well-known, but all will have had a profound influence on us. From
the last issue, read about the Stooges' Funhouse.
Learn About Us, if you dare.
For information on getting your music reviewed in TroubleBound, email
us at artistinfo@troublebound.com;
For general information, contact generalinfo@troublebound.com
We continue to appreciate all of your comments on the content, appearance,
or any aspect of the site.
Reviews are of CDs that have been recently listened to by the staff in enough
detail to give a full and fair account of the music. That means that they
are not always the most timely - but, be honest, how many artists these days
make you want to go buy the CD the day it is released? Other than Steve
Earle. Check out earlier reviews you
may have missed! |
We love to hear music views and opinions from
others. So, whether you agree or disagree with our reviews or any of the other comments on this site, talk back to
us here.
See the more interesting comments in the Reader
E-Mail page!
To give you some idea of our exacting critical standards, we provide
below a handy, if loose, guide to our grading range with examples. |
The A+ and A records are ones that we listen to again and again over the
years |
A must for the savvy collector (Exile on Main Street - Rolling
Stones, I Feel Alright - Steve Earle, Pretty Hate Machine - Nine
Inch Nails, London Calling - The Clash) |
Highly recommended (El Corazon - Steve Earle, I Can Hear the Heart Beating
as One - Yo La Tengo, Surrender - Chemical Brothers, South Mouth - Robbie
Fulks, Fragile - Nine Inch Nails) |
The A- and B+ records are ones that we thoroughly enjoy and listen to
often |
A- Very good record, with
only minor flaws/annoyances
(Junior Citizen - Poster
Children, Midnite Vultures - Beck, Ursa Major - Eleventh Dream Day,
Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane) |
B+ Recommended; worth the money
(In Utero - Nirvana, Dig Your Own Hole -
Chemical Brothers, The Hot Rock - Sleater-Kinney, Mermaid Avenue - Billy Bragg &
Wilco) |
B, B- and C+ are ones that we rarely listen to anymore,
but give us some passing pleasure |
Okay, but only if you like this artist or style of music (Her Wallpaper
Reverie - Apples in Stereo, Apocalypse 91 - Public Enemy, This is Hardcore - Pulp, Rumor and Sigh -
Richard Thompson) |
B- Nothing special, but some redeeming qualities
(The Downward Spiral - Nine
Inch Nails, Pop - U2, Badmotorfinger - Soundgarden, Astro
Lounge - Smashmouth) |
C+ One or two good songs, the rest are unmemorable
(It's Martini Time - Reverend
Horton Heat, Nobody's Cool - Lotion, Through the Trees - Handsome Family,
Broken Things - Julie Miller) |
C and C- means we wish our had our money back |
C One good song, the rest are pretty bad
(The Battle of Los Angeles - Rage Against the Machine, Liquid Skin
- Gomez, Electric Honey - Luscious Jackson,
Shot -
Jesus Lizard) |
C- Pretty bad record (AstroCreep: 2000 - White Zombie,
14 Songs - Paul Westerberg, Bee Thousand - Guided by Voices, Tuesday Night Music Club
- Sheryl
Crow) |
D or F
means we cannot give it away. |
D/F Really bad/offensive record
(Core - Stone Temple Pilots, Out in L.A. - Red
Hot Chili Peppers, The Supersonic Storybook - Urge Overkill) |